Tom Waits For Nobody Soundtrack
Yes we spoilt you.
Here is the complete collection of the excerpts we have introduced the past two weeks for Tom Waits For Nobody.
Tomorrow/Today (FRIDAY) is the big day at The Art House (Playden, 8pm)
No we won't do it again until many many months later, so you come (latest. full ensemble in rehearsal)
Here is the complete collection of the excerpts we have introduced the past two weeks for Tom Waits For Nobody.
Tomorrow/Today (FRIDAY) is the big day at The Art House (Playden, 8pm)
No we won't do it again until many many months later, so you come (latest. full ensemble in rehearsal)
sounds good....AMM style improv? will be there....
thanks for telling us! *hey leave your nickname or something* we need more people to sit with us on Firday against the big mafia at Esplanade!
I prefer to be a mystery supporter hahah.....and who cares about those people? Clueless lot....
dear zai, wish i could be there... all the best to you, and to dear chee wai as well... i want to get the poster and tshirt... is this the cd you will launch in july? love your blogspot... keep it up..
dear anonymous,
thanks for your blessings. why can't you be there on friday? yes, if you'd like us to reserve a set of poster and tshirt, do email us and let us know. then we'll also know who you are too! heh.
i think the reason we 'like' you to put your name there not just because we want to know who you are but also we want to make sure people will not say that 'anonymous' is actually zai...but well of cos i can also write 'ah siang' instead of zai hahaha anyway i can understand the desire to be anonymous and as long it make sense thats cool
ok to all anonymous (i believe there is many out there who want to be anonynous) i suggest you guys write your name as any1 followed by any2, any3, any4 and so on. this way atleast we know how many good 'any' here in oni.
helow Zai K
is oni reference to the peranakan kui?made me LOL
why do u drink so much?its a self-depreciating act. Kidding.
QUite interesting on the entry which featured quotes frm Kuo Pao Kun. Am not a thespian, but am sure Oni will find its way amongst the masses; Oni opened in 1993? i jus read,i shld think,its first email blaster frm theatresingapore (ironic i said am nt thespian but i suscribed to TS so as to get updated with both the 'ARTS' and design scene in spore...I always hear this term 'arts & dialogue' but there seem to be a disengagement betwn the 2) posted by a Yun person.
Just popping in a note to ask the opening hours of the studio.
Dear Tibbar,
we are not very sure what you are talking about. we don't eat so much so we don't know about peranakan food. The studio is open 24hrs right here - read our small write-up on the blog ya.
hi tibbar
thanks for visiting but oni is not a nyonya kui. he is an isolated creature and a 'sad' monster who do good for peoples especially children, young at heart and very old people. he give unconditionally and he don't have the words love in his vocabulory. well in sure if you read more what we have written in this blog you will know what it's all about.
yes there is always a wall in 'arts & dialouge' reading your note i think thats a classic example. perhaps you should breath slowly and take your time to write to us and from there we can have a short dialouge. statement base (those one liner things) or prose base (lose long winning essay)
at the centre of your notes...i catch no ballsssss
have fun dude
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